4 Tips Before You Propose
Congratulations on reaching the decision to propose to your partner. We understand that reaching such a big decision means that you and your partner are a strong team, you can't imagine yourself being single and there's nothing you want to change about your partner. Before you propose, here are a few things that you should do.
- Make sure you and your partner are both on the same page
Ask yourself, have you and your partner had a deep discussion about the future and what you both want in life? Do you both see marriage in the same light? A good sign of things to come (and a big YES when you ask for their hand in marriage) is when you feel comfortable talking to your partner about any aspect of your life and you both share a common vision of the future you want to build together. They say that the difference is when you think of your partner, it should be a "HELL YES!" and not just a "sure, maybe".

2. Decide on whether to talk to your partners parents
Asking permission for your partner's hand in marriage might feel really old fashioned, kind of awkward and very nerve wracking. However, if your partner has a close relationship with their parents, chances are that having ‘the talk’ with the parents will be seen as a sign of respect. See this conversation as letting the parents know how much you love their child and telling them how much they mean to you.

3. Plan the proposal
This might seem pretty obvious - but a little planning will go a long way. Start planning how you would like to propose whether it may be a grand gesture, something a little more casual or a gathering with family and friends. It’s most important that you propose in a way that is personal to you. Also, get started on what you’d like to say on the day. Make some notes to give you some direction even though nerves may kick in on the day and you just need to speak from the heart.

4. Don’t forget the engagement ring
This also falls under the planning umbrella but it's important enough to be given its own section.
You might be asking "Should I propose with a ring"? There are three different choices you now face:
- Propose with the engagement ring – If you know what engagement ring design your partner likes (or dreams of), this is path you should go down! There is nothing more romantic than proposing with the actual engagement ring. The engagement ring will be part of the special moment.
- Choose the diamond and ring together – If you're not too sure which engagement ring styles your partner likes or which diamond shape she prefers then this option is a fantastic one. Many couples choose this option nowadays. Whilst proposing with the ring or a diamond is very romantic, it can be really exciting to share the experience of choosing the diamond and designing the ring together. You can go to the jeweller together after the proposal and take part in making the dream ring come to life.
- Propose with a proposal ring – A proposal ring is a temporary ring which you use to propose to your partner with. We have a great range of proposal ring options for you to choose from. With a proposal ring, you can pop the question of "will you marry me?" without the added worry that you’ve made the wrong choice of engagement ring.
No matter what option you take, the engagement ring will be something that your partner will no doubt wear proudly on her finger. You might want to start snooping around to get your partner's ring size and also a sense of the style of ring they would love. Think about what your budget is and talk to your trusted jeweller this is especially true if you are planning to custom make an engagement ring. Remember that it takes 4-6 weeks to get your ring ready.

At Just Gold Jewellery we are always more than happy to assist you with your jewellery questions. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.